Mentored Ministry Training

Facilitate Opportunities for Transformation Through the Power of the Holy Spirit

Course Summary

Transformational Mentored Ministry differs from other types of mentoring in that the mentor does not seek to duplicate themselves or conform the mentee to a certain mold, but rather allows an individual to grow fully into the person and pastor God desires them to be. This mentored ministry is a partnership between mentor and mentee and the mentor helps facilitate many opportunities for transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It has a sound biblical and theological basis, with Jesus as the ultimate model. Mentoring has a wide range of definitions, but at its core the concept embodies a willing investment of time, heart, and energy. In The Fine Art of Mentoring, Ted Engstorm and Norman Rohrer put it this way, “Mentoring is much more expensive than simply teaching and/or training. It is investing time and prayer. It is building relationships and investing emotionally in the transfer of values, skills, and attitudes.”

These mentoring outcomes will be accomplished through an intentional, collegial, covenantal relationship where, outside of normal ministry responsibilities, time is regularly set aside for establishing growth goals, teaching ministry skills, reflecting on ministry experiences, discussing clergy issues, and providing honest feedback towards leadership development. This type of mentoring can profoundly shape and equip an emerging pastor/leader for life and ministry.

This is a self-paced course. Once you have watched the videos and completed all of the assignments, you will be a Validated Mentor through the Flourish Institute of Theology.

Course Curriculum

Flourish Institute Of Theology

Lisa Johnson

Taylor Woods

MJ Romano

Skye Test

Course Pricing


